Exercise Tip: Prone Row

In General, Movement by Mikki ReillyLeave a Comment

This exercise is my favorite version of the classic dumbbell row. It works the muscles in the upper back while also developing core strength.

Muscles involved: Rhomboids, Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Rectus Abdominis, External Obliques, Hip Flexors.

Action: Position yourself with one hand on a bench while the other hand holds a dumbbell, arm fully extended, with your body fully extended and feet on the floor.

Pull the dumbbell up, with elbow in, until your upper arm is just beyond the height of your back. Return to the starting position by extending your arm and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Then switch sides and repeat.

Comments: To maintain good form in this exercise you need to tuck your butt. In other words, rotate the front of your pelvis toward the bench, also known as posterior pelvic tilt. This tilt should cause you to go into a neutral spine, where there’s almost no extension in your lumbar spine.

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