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The Super Nutrient Vitamin D

In General, Nutrition, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin known as the “sunshine” vitamin because the body manufactures it after exposure to sunshine. Surprisingly, up to seventy-five percent of Americans are deficient due to indoor lifestyles and a lack of nutrient-dense foods.

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Paleo and Osteoporosis

In General, Movement, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

Breaking a bone due to osteoporosis is very common and happens to one in two women and one in four men in the United States. Unfortunately, most people only realize they have the condition once a bone fractures and it is too late.

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Are You Fat Adapted?

In General, Nutrition by Mikki Reilly

The human body requires energy to function which is provided by proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Since carbohydrates are the most readily available, most people are sugar burners; they rely on carbohydrates and sugars to keep the brain and body running.

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Are You Ready To “Go Keto”?

In General, Nutrition by Mikki Reilly

As you may know, the ketogenic diet (keto for short) has become extremely popular over the past year or so. When you understand the benefits it makes perfect sense. “Going keto” can be refreshing; you’re leaner, you’re not hungry, you have a steady flow of energy, and your brain works better!

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7 Reasons To Start Strength Training

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

We all know that exercise is good for us. Unfortunately, many make the mistake of focusing on cardiovascular exercise to the exclusion of strength training, while, the truth is that, nearly everyone will benefit more from strength training. Here are 7 reasons to start strength training today!

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5 Health Benefits of Probiotics

In General by Mikki Reilly

If you have heard anything about probiotics, you probably know how important these live bacteria are for gut health. But it turns out that these microbes affect more than just digestion. Probiotics can influence our immune system, our metabolism, and even how we think and feel!

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Looking For Stability?

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

We’ve all seen those videos with people hugging a stability ball to their cores and running at their friends, colliding and bouncing back so hard they flip over. We’ve all seen friends and family lie back on one and immediately flip off. At face value, the stability ball can seem to be anything but stable.

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Living Paleo in Santa Barbara

In General, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

Santa Barbara is often described as a slice of paradise. From its sandy shores to the palm trees that line its streets, those who visit our beautiful home believe we live in a place of eternal summer. But to Santa Barbara natives, we know that’s not true.

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My Primal Body

In General, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

Growing up on the East Coast with two brothers was never easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I didn’t know it then, and I wouldn’t realize it for a long time, but those were the moments that shaped me into the person I am today.

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Your Microbiome and You

In General, Nutrition by Mikki Reilly

The amazing thing about science? It evolves.
For example, we’ve known for years that diet influences our health, but scientists have been uncertain to what extent and how.

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What’s Your Excuse?

In General, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

Excuses are easy. Following through on a fitness goal is difficult. With that said, being able to recognize what is holding you back, what your excuse is for avoiding exercise, is the only way you can begin to make the changes necessary for success.

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Do You Have the True Ancestral Gene?

In General, Nutrition, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

As a society, we are intrigued with knowing our origins – who our ancestors were and what they did. But what about our own genetics? What can our own genes tell us about our bodies, health, and lives? Though more to the point, what can we learn from our ancestors that can help us to lead healthier and longer existences?

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Energize Your Workouts

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

We’ve all sat there in biology class, wondering how knowing about mitochondria or the process of photosynthesis will help us in the real world. After all, we were planning on becoming police officers or lawyers or teachers – and maybe we did become those things one day, but the truth is, those lectures were still important.

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How You Can Have More Balance In Your Life

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

Balance is in everything. And without it, life gets a little bumpy.
But in all seriousness, we physically rely on balance everyday. From running, hiking, skating, rollerblading, surfing, to even walking, we are constantly depending on our ability to balance to help us perform these activities.

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5 Steps to Fitness Success

In General, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

1. The time is now!
There is no time like the present. If you’ve been thinking about making a life change, been wanting to get back to feeling healthy, strong, and confident in your body, then why wait? The best way to achieve fitness success is to begin.

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Bye Bye Omega 6, Hello Omega 3

In General, Nutrition by Mikki Reilly

In my business, I encounter a lot people looking for relief from pain caused by inflammation – people suffering from conditions like arthritis who are at the end of their ropes, desperate and fed up, ready to take drastic measures like surgery. To these people, I say: don’t lose hope.