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Exercise Is Essential

In Movement, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

As a fitness professional, I believe COVID-19 is a serious threat and our response, as an industry, is a necessary step to help stop the spread, save lives, and eventually lead us back to normalcy.

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Paleo and Osteoporosis

In General, Movement, Primal Lifestyle by Mikki Reilly

Breaking a bone due to osteoporosis is very common and happens to one in two women and one in four men in the United States. Unfortunately, most people only realize they have the condition once a bone fractures and it is too late.

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7 Reasons To Start Strength Training

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

We all know that exercise is good for us. Unfortunately, many make the mistake of focusing on cardiovascular exercise to the exclusion of strength training, while, the truth is that, nearly everyone will benefit more from strength training. Here are 7 reasons to start strength training today!

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Looking For Stability?

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

We’ve all seen those videos with people hugging a stability ball to their cores and running at their friends, colliding and bouncing back so hard they flip over. We’ve all seen friends and family lie back on one and immediately flip off. At face value, the stability ball can seem to be anything but stable.

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Energize Your Workouts

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

We’ve all sat there in biology class, wondering how knowing about mitochondria or the process of photosynthesis will help us in the real world. After all, we were planning on becoming police officers or lawyers or teachers – and maybe we did become those things one day, but the truth is, those lectures were still important.

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How You Can Have More Balance In Your Life

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

Balance is in everything. And without it, life gets a little bumpy.
But in all seriousness, we physically rely on balance everyday. From running, hiking, skating, rollerblading, surfing, to even walking, we are constantly depending on our ability to balance to help us perform these activities.

Lifting Weights Builds New Brain Cells

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

We all know that endurance/aerobic activity improves cognitive function by increasing bloodflow to the brain. But what about resistance training? Most of the research on exercise and brain function to date has focused on low-intensity aerobics, such as long distance running and cycling. But a recent article in the New York Times, sheds light on two exciting new studies involving the effects of weightlifting on the creation of new brain cells–neurogenesis.

Inside the Fitness Studio

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

Thinking about getting in shape? If you’re interested in working one on one with a personal trainer the small niche fitness boutiques located in and around Santa Barbara provide an abundance of choices both in the environment and training approaches featured in the different facilities. Recently I visited a number of these studios, looking for a new place to train …

Challenge Your Balance

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

Let’s face it everything these days is about balance from diets to exercise right down to balancing opposing muscle groups. But the type of balance we’ll discuss in this article is more fundamental. It’s the human function we depend on every day of our lives to get out of bed, to walk, or to play just about any sport – …

The Secret To Fat Loss: Intervals!

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

If you’re one of the many people struggling to keep up in the fast-paced world of cell phones, pagers, and laptops, with little time left for fitness, then intervals may be just what you’re looking for… For years, we’ve all heard if you want to lose fat you need to spend endless hours on a treadmill or riding a bike. …

More on Exercise And Weight Loss

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

I am posting a comment my client Alan made in response to my last post because he illustrated the point I was making… that exercise plus nutrition works outstandingly well for weight loss. Here’s what Alan had to say: This is a pretty loaded topic for me. I’ve lost 90 lbs since I decided to lose weight. The first 40 …

Exercise and Weight Loss In The News

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

Time Magazine’s cover story this week is titled “Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin.” I think Gary Taubes first wrote about this in a book I read called Good Calories, Bad Calories . Here’s an excerpt on this topic from an article Taubes wrote in New York Magazine: The one thing that might be said about exercise with certainty is …

Get Moving For Health In May

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. This year, Fitness Transform joins the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports to challenge Americans to get moving for health and to get active and fit during May Month. According to Melissa Johnson, executive director of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, which started National Physical Activity and Sports …

Train For Strength

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

If your goal is to build strength then you should train differently than someone who wants to put on muscle mass. Many people believe that training for muscle mass (bodybuilding) is the same as training for strength. But they could not be further from the truth. Strength is developed by lifting heavier weights for fewer reps with a longer rest …

Jump Over Burpee

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

Here’s a true full body exercise that burns fat, builds muscle, and increases cardiovascular endurance with nothing more than a small area of floor space and something that you can set up as a barrier. It’s a combination of the classic burpee with a lateral jump. From a standing position squat down and drop your hands to the floor (as …

High Intensity Exercise Reduces Abdominal Fat

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

Here’s an interesting new study which examined the effects of exercise intensity on abdominal visceral fat and body composition in obese women with the metabolic syndrome. As many of you know, metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors linked to obesity that increase your chance for heart disease and other health problems such as diabetes and …

The Gender Gap In Endurance Sports

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

The Chicago marathon took place today. Whenever I see news of a marathon race, I check the finishing times of the male and female winners. I want to know if both genders are getting faster and if the women are continuing to get faster relative to the men. Historically, women could not officially participate in marathon races until 1963. And …

Kettlebells For Strength, Cardiovascular Conditioning And Fat Loss

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

I went to Los Angeles recently to attend a really great seminar on kettlebell training. If you’re not familiar with the kettlebell, it looks like a cannon ball with a handle (see photo). It’s this shape that makes it so different from using a dumbbell. The unique design causes the weight of the bell to hang off your body, with …

Static Stretching Before Sprinting Slows You Down

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

I mentioned in a previous post that stretching before exercise doesn’t prevent injury. And that stretching following training reduces muscle soreness. So I recommended stretching following training. Now here’s one more reason to avoid stretching prior to exercising, especially if you plan to sprint or perform intervals. In this recent study, researchers at Middle Tennessee State University examined the effect …

Lower Ab Workout

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

If I were to ask you, what one part of the body would you most like to change? Chances are it might be your lower abdominal area. It’s been my experience that almost everyone would like to get a sexy, flat-as-a-plank abdomen. But it can often be one of the most difficult parts of the body to develop. One reason …

The Hotel Workout

In General, Movement by Mikki Reilly

This time of year I get a lot of requests for travel programs. And although some hotels have gyms that are equipped with most of the basics, I find that most clients prefer a quick workout which they can do without leaving their hotel room. This workout was designed with that in mind. Prone Bridge There are three different levels …